samedi 22 août 2009

Resonance - safari love

Artist: Resonance
Titles: safari love - moto rock
Year: 1974
Type: 7 SP with PS - french press
Genre: novelty - instrumental - afroploitation - glam
Availability: quite easy to find
Price: around 5€
Note: 07/10
Review: safari love is a track wich reminds me Barrabas wild safari, a very cool tune! and moto rock worths also some spins, for glam lovers (still an instrumental)
Link: safari love
note: Resonance is Mat Camison and Pierre Bachelet

Tritons - (i can't get no) satisfaction

Artist: Tritons
Titles: satisfaction - drifters
Year: 1973
Type: 7 SP with PS - french press
Genre: novelty - heavy psych
Availability: very easy to find
Price: under 5€
Note: 07/10
Review: a side is an awfull cover of satifaction with banjo, b side is a very cool heavy psych tune with phasing drum and somme nick organ licks, the vocal is a bit bad and overall it sounds a bit confusing but still a very cool tune, one you can pick at a very cheap price!
Link: b-side
note: band related to Ibis and the New Trolls

los Brincos - mejor

Artist: los Brincos
Titles: mejor - i try to find
Year: 1966
Type: 7 SP with PS - spanish press
Genre: pop - beat
Availability: easy to find
Price: around 5€
Note: 07/10
Review: a side is a pop song in spanish, a bit too cheesy for my taste, b side is a cool beat-rock n roller tune in english, not really original but well done and fine.
Link: no

Crazy Elephant - gimme gimme good lovin

Artist: Crazy Elephant
Titles: gimme gimme good lovin - darkest part of my mind
Year: 1969
Type: 7 SP with PS - French Press
Genre: bubblegum - heavy psych
Availability: easy to find
Price: around 5€
Note: 08/10
Review: a-side is a bubblegum classic, think a mix between quick joe small and mony mony, b side is an heavy-psych tune, really really mad, it sounds like guys enjoying studio and doing what they want, quite funny stuff!
Link: no
Note: spanish press has the same cover, the only difference is the logo on the right side (emi stateside on the spanish release) and two things more written (i suppose the reference and the collection), also the cover is not in the same kind of paper

Lone Star - Lyla

Artist: Lone Star
Titles: Lyla - no, not my baby
Year: 1970
Type: 7 SP with PS - Spanish Press
Genre: pop - rock
Availability: quite easy to find
Price: under 10€
Note: 07/10
Review: A side is a boring song, b side is a good rocking song, with a bluesy feeling, some nice guitar licks and a cool drum pattern, sadly the english is not great, but still a fine tune!
Link: no

Jess & James - move

Artist: Jess & James
Titles: Move - the End of Me
Year: 1968
Type: 7 SP with PS - Spanish Press
Genre: soul - pop
Availability: quite easy to find
Price: around 5€
Note: 08/10
Review: a-side is an awesome slice of euro-soul, very catchy! b-side is forgivable
Link: no
Note: the two songs are in spanish (whereas all the other releases of move are in english!)